The Team

Each boarding house is run by a multi-professional team, which cares for your children out of personal conviction and with a lot of commitment.

Support networks

For all students, we have a wide range of professionals here on site to meet every need. This ensures that everyone quickly receives the support they need.

Management Team

Erdmuthe Terno

Erdmuthe Terno

Educational Director, Principal

Contact via Ms. Milbradt.

Joachim Jünemann

Joachim Jünemann

Head of Boarding School

Marion Dick

Marion Dick

House Manager

Arne Busch

Arne Busch


Br. Busch supervises the senior high school students as group leader in the boys and girls boarding school. He is an avid musician and high ropes course and top rope trainer and always offers a variety of recreational activities such as archery, billiards or climbing. In addition, he organizes musical programs and events.
Following further training, he and Sr. Stoiber are also prevention officers for gender-based violence at the boarding school.

Domenico Fanelli

Domenico Fanelli


Br. Fanelli's second career path was training as a youth and home educator at the Zinzendorf Schools. After successfully completing his training and gaining state accreditation, he joined our team as a group leader. Br. Fanelli has experience in various professional and educational sectors and institutions. His responsibilities include the planning and implementation of various working groups and leisure activities, organisational support and day-to-day supervision.

Inna Gappel

Inna Gappel


Sr. Gappel is an educator for the senior high school students in the boarding school. She originally studied English and Latin and is therefore often responsible for tutoring and preparing for exams at the Erdmuth Dorotheen House. Outside of her working hours at the boarding school, she teaches German as a foreign language at the Zinzendorf Schools. She also offers an English Club as an activity group and she is planning more activities in creativity and athletics for the coming years.

Marion Khamart

Marion Khamart


Sr. Khamart has been working as an educator at the Zinzendorf boarding school since September 2020. As a group leader, she supervises senior high school students. She offers cooking and baking activities as well as small outdoor programs.

Luciana Pérez Sánchez

Luciana Pérez Sánchez

Educator staff

Sr. Pérez Sánchez is in charge of waking up the boys in our boarding school. She stays for breakfast and takes care that they leave for school in time.

Sandra Šaj

Sandra Šaj


Sr. Šaj, educator at the boarding school since September 2022, completed her training in-house. She provides the boarding school with homemade cakes from her baking activity group. As a group leader, she supervises the younger boys in junior high school.

Dennis Steinhauer

Dennis Steinhauer


Br. Steinhauer supervises junior high school students as group leader in the boys and girls boarding school. The sports and economics teacher knows boarding school life from his own experience: he was able to pursue his passion for playing ice hockey at the Cologne Boarding School for Sports. His great wish is to pass on his enthusiasm for sports to the boys and girls.

Sarah Stoiber

Sarah Stoiber

Social Educator

Sr. Stoiber supervises junior high school students, including the graduating classes of the vocational school. She assists with daily learning and homework supervision in the learning campus, cooperating with subject teachers and creating study schedules. Together with Br. Busch, Sr. Stoiber completed further training as a prevention officer for (gender-based) violence and the development of protection concepts in the boarding school.