
A second home

Our boarding houses in Königsfeld in the Black Forest provide around 70 boys and girls in grades 5 to 13 with a “second home”. Through individual support and personal attention, our dedicated and experienced team ensures that each young person settles in quickly.

The Zinzendorf boarding option provides special opportunities and new perspectives.

Special support and assistance

We support and assist each individual in their learning and in managing their daily lives, while keeping in mind the special talents, interests and needs of each individual. This means that the young people are provided with the ideal conditions for successful learning and extensive opportunities for purposeful leisure activities.

We follow a clear pedagogical model, providing an approach that is fair, consistent and positive. We have policies to deal with matters such as media consumption, school problems and other contemporary issues.

Experience of community life

Children and young people from all walks of life and of a wide variety of nationalities live in our boarding houses. Living together in this way enables young people to broaden their horizons and to build friendships that often last a lifetime. Networks are established that are still invaluable decades later.

Taking responsibility

It is our task and our goal to help students to learn to take responsibility for themselves and for others in today’s complex society.

The young people in our boarding houses are given opportunities to express their views and air grievances. They have a say in relation to investment, acquisitions and rules in the boarding houses.